Video to GIF

Fast and Easy online video to GIF converter

*No credit card required

GIF Maker screengrab

Don’t miss the “switch to gif” option during download

Quick & Easy GIF Maker

“Son of a GIF!” I hear you cry. “Is it really this quick and easy to make GIFs?”.
It sure is…
– Take any video and turn it into a GIF with one click. 
– Take any image and turn that into a GIF with one click.
– Take any videos and images, put them together, add animated text and then turn that into a GIF! 

Vidds online video editor lets you convert any image or video file into a .gif. You can use an image or video that you already have on your phone or computer, or you can use the stock media that we’ve added for free. 


Easily turn a video in to a GIF

✅ Viral
✅ Sharable
✅ Downright blow-your-mind-able

The verdict is in and GIFs are awesome! Broaden your content creation horizons and create amazing GIFs with Vidds GIF maker.

The art of creating a viral GIF has previously been complicated & time-consuming, well not anymore! Using Vidds you can create a GIF in a matter of seconds.

How to use Vidds GIF Maker

1. Upload media

Upload an image or video to Vidds in one-click. Either select a file from your phone or computer or use one from our integrated stock library (it’s free)!

2. Switch to GIF

Before you download your video, simply click the “switch to .gif” button.

3. Download

When you’re ready for an awesome GIF simply click “Download” and your video will begin to render. 

Why use Vidds GIF Maker?

1. It's Easy

GIFs are a fun and easy way to share content online, and they often go viral – which gives you kudos!

2. Make Email Great, again?

GIFs love to live in emails, stop sending users away to YouTube or Vimeo to see what’s going on. Keep the content and the user in the mailbox!

3. Get Creative

GIFs are a creative way to host videos on websites & email and to share across social media. Plus they loop and look really cool!